What's the Bible All About?

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Course Overview

Perhaps you're familiar with the Bible, but not with the over-arching story this book unfolds to us from its beginning in Genesis to its conclusion in Revelation. Discover the themes that unite these 66 books into a cohesive narrative. And discover the essential part you play in this big story. This course is made up of 5 lessons:
  • Lesson 1: The Power of A Story
  • Lesson 2: Creation and the Image of God
  • Lesson 3: Rebellion & Redemption
  • Lesson 4: Restoration & God's People 
  • Lesson 5: The People of God's Mission

Finding Your Way Around

You may work through each lesson at your own pace, completing them all in an afternoon, or space them over the next five weeks. No matter the pace you take, we will be sending you a brief weekly email each of the next five weeks. The left-hand navigation tray will display the elements of each lesson acting as a table of contents.  As you progress through the course it will strikethrough and gray out completed elements to help track course progress.  


If you have any questions or need technical support, don’t hesitate to visit our FAQ & Support page through the link in the top navigation bar.  Once you begin the course, the top navigation bar will be replaced with a blue bar that lists the title of the course.  Therefore, to access the FAQ & Support page and support section click (or right-click to open in a new tab) on either the title of the course or Denver Seminary and you will again have access to the top site navigation bar.